19 June 2007

@ Krakow Valley Golf

O que fazer num belo dia de sol em que não se trabalha? Jogar golf!

Os golfeiros: António, Eu, Fernão e Tiago

Bem mais difícil do que parece. O segredo não está na técnica da força, mas sim na força da técnica!

Verdes são os campos...

@ the beach (desta vez a sério!)

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria | Playa de Las Canteras
Qualquer semelhança com o posting de 14 de Maio é pura coincidência! :)

03 June 2007

@ Oscar Schindler's factory

Oscar Schindler fica para a História como o alemão que salvou mais de 1000 judeus do holocausto. O cenário situa-se a umas centenas de metros do local onde vivo.

A festa do Dragão em Cracóvia

É incontestável a dimensão internacional do FCP, mas confesso que fiquei surpreendida com a homenagem que a cidade de Cracóvia decidiu fazer ao clube após a conquista do bi-campeonato no passado dia 20.
Uma bela parada de dragões no rio Wisla foi organizada só para homenagear os campões!

Curiosamente, alguns adeptos de outros clubes, certamente confundidos, acham que se tratou apenas de um dos muitos eventos incluídos nas celebrações do 750º aniversário da cidade...

02 June 2007

750 Years of the Act of Location of Krakow

If we're to believe legend, Krakow as a city has existed since around 700, when Prince Krak killed the infamous dragon and founded the settlement. However, the city as it existed was almost completely destroyed by the Tatars, and it wasn't until 1257 that it was laid out anew in its exact present location. For the most part, all of the streets of the Old Town within the Planty were laid out then, in the same grid fashion that has survived through today.

How did it happen exactly? On the 5th of June, 1257, Krakow Prince Boleslaw Wstydliwy (literally, Boleslaw the Shy - who knew such a shy guy would be so important for Krakow?) together with his mother Grzymislawa and wife Kinga drafted an Act declaring the location of Krakow. Soon, settlers were brought in and trade and crafts began to flourish, all centered around the new Market Square. The city's self-government was also set up, with officials and courts.

At the time of Krakow's Act of Location, the city had already been established as a capital of the Bishopship since 1000, and in 1040 became the capital after Poznan, the former capital, was attacked and mostly destroyed. After 1257, the new city layout included the Market Square and surrounding streets (now the Old Town), laid down in a grid based on German examples. It is said that in 1257 Krakow entered into the great family of European cities.

As a result of the June anniversary of the signing of the Act of Location, the main events of the celebration will take place in the beginning of June, including many concerts on the Market Square, exhibitions, and celebrations of Krakow's many famous sons and daughters, past and present. Perhaps the biggest events for residents of Krakow will take place on June second. Two parts of the city that have been under construction for what seems like forever will finally be shown: the unveiling of the new Maly Rynek with a new statue of Boleslaw the Shy in the middle (hopefully much better than the car park that it was), and the unveiling of the new "Wyspianski 2000" Pavilion at Plac Wszystkich Swietych, the first truly modern building to rise in the Old Town. The treat is that besides serving as an important cultural centre, the building, designed by world-famous architects Ingarten & Ewy, will feature three stained glass windows designed by Stanislaw Wyspianski and originally intended for the Wawel Cathedral, though turned down for being too "modern." Both events are sure to draw crowds, so be sure to get there early and have your cameras ready!

Parabéns a Cracóvia!!